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We Are Energy

Kendall Anne Dixon is a third generation psychic who has been practising professionally since 2005. She has been able to see and read energy since she was a child.

Kendall trained with a master energy healer for nine years to learn to read (and teach energy awareness) in way that is healing and supportive while respecting appropriate boundaries for all involved.

Her gifts include: being able to read your energetic system (including chakras), identify where you are in your current growth cycle, read past lives and answer questions on health, relationships and life path.

She always sets the intention to be reading with neutrality and for the highest good for all.

Let’s Work Together

Insight, Validation, Connection

Sessions are done by Phone, Zoom, FT or other on-line mode. Please email Kendall directly for current rates.

30 Minutes............................................

A full reading that offers insight, direction on current growth cycle, life purpose and past life reading. There is time to dig deep into a single issue or ask questions.

45 Minutes............................................

When you have multiple questions about different issues this will give you enough time to cover and dig deep.

60 Minutes............................................

An in-depth look into specific issues, life path information and a chance to connect, heal or shift energy in times of change, difficulty or adversity. When you are in a transition phase or growth period a full hour allows for energy healing, connection and transformation.

Spiritual Tools

Kendall has been teaching Energy Awareness and Spiritual Tools since 2005. She trained for nine years with her former teacher and has been offering individual and group sessions ever since.

Spiritual Tools include: Centering, Grounding, Appropriate Boundaries, Making Clear Separations, Creating, Emotional Fluency and more....if you are interested in working individually with Kendall please email to discuss. There are package rates available for her teaching sessions.

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