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Finding Yes Meditations
A Portal for Peace

In these times of great change many people are overcome with anxiety and stress and at the very least struggling to focus on the job at hand.

Join Kendall Anne Dixon as she shares her secret for tapping into the stress-free inner realm of the intuitive self, where peace and joy are our natural state.

Using her unique teaching methods (such as teaching through contrasts) Kendall will guide you into using Centering and Grounding techniques in ways you've never seen to immediately create more calm, peace, less noise in the head and an immediate sense of well-being.

This Portal to Peace is what we are all needing right now.

"Kendall teaches a method of centering which I've never come across before, and it has really improved my meditation practice!" -Natalie M

Luncheon for Peace, Calm and Focus

Using the traditional lunch and learn format Kendall will bring her unique method for Centering and Grounding to your group or staff via on-line format. This will allow everyone, even those working from home to attend.




This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.


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